Appendix 5 Bibliography

Agile Retrospectives — by Esther Derby, Diana Larsen (71 / 72)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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[Bri03]William Bridges. Managing Transitions: Making the Most of Change. Da Capo Press, Cambridge, MA, 2003.

[Dav05]Rachel Davies. Improvising Space for a Timeline. Email. personal, 2005.

[Der02]Esther Derby. Climbing the learning curve: Practice with feedback. Insights. [Fall], 2002.

[Der03]Esther Derby. How to Improve Meetings When You’re Not in Charge. online, 2003.

[Der03a]Esther Derby. The Roti Method for Gauging Meeting Effectiveness. online, 2003.

[Der05]Esther Derby. Helping Your Team Weather the Storm. online, 2005.

[Hin05]Siegi Hinger. Re: Improvising Space for a Timeline. Email. personal, 2005.

[Kel87]J. M. Keller. Strategies for Stimulating the Motivation to Learn. Performance and Instruction. 26[8]:1–7, 1987.

[Ker01]Norman L. Kerth. Project Retrospectives: A Handbook for Team Reviews. Dorset House, New York, NY, USA, 2001.

[Mac03]Tim MacKinnon. XP — Call in the Social Workers. online, 2003.



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