Chapter 1 Getting Your Feet Wet

Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition — by Dmitri Sotnikov, Scot Brown (8 / 107)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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In the Introduction, we looked at some of the benefits of the functional style when it comes to writing applications. Of course, you can’t learn a language by just reading about it. To really get a feel for it, you have to write some code yourself.

In this chapter you’ll dive right in and build a guestbook application that allows users to leave messages for one another. You’ll see the basic structure of a web application, set up necessary tools for effective Clojure development, and get a feel for how web development in Clojure works. If you’re new to Clojure, we recommend you read through Appendix 1, Clojure Primer, for a crash course on the basic concepts and syntax.

The material we’ll cover in this book is based on our experience and personal preferences. It’s worth noting that there are other equally valid approaches to structuring Clojure web applications. The libraries and methodologies that we’ll cover each have alternatives, but the ones we use will provide you with a solid starting point. As your familiarity with the Clojure ecosystem grows, we encourage you to evaluate different libraries and choose the ones that best suit your needs.

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Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition by Dmitri Sotnikov, Scot Brown can be purchased in other book formats directly from the Pragmatic Programmers. If you notice a code error or formatting mistake, please let us know here so that we can fix it.



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