Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up

By Lauren Maffeo

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


Lauren Maffeo’s Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up is now out of beta and in print:

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In the last decade, the amount of data people produced grew 3,000 percent. Most organizations lack the strategy to clean, collect, organize, and automate data for production-ready projects. Without effective data governance, most businesses will keep failing to gain value from the mountain of data that’s available to them.

There’s a plethora of content intended to help DataOps and DevOps teams reach production, but 90 percent of projects trained with big data fail to reach production because they lack governance.

This book shares six steps you can take to build a data governance strategy from scratch. You’ll find a data framework, pull together a team of data stewards, build a data governance team, define your roadmap, weave data governance into your development process, and monitor your data in production

Whether you’re a chief data officer or individual contributor, this book will show you how to manage up, get the buy-in you need to build data governance, find the right colleagues to co-create data governance, and keep them engaged for the long haul.

Cover for book by Lauren Maffeo: Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up
Cover for Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up by Lauren Maffeo

