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Developing Alexa Skills in Java

Viva JavaOne!

Craig Walls
2 min readOct 19, 2022


This week JavaOne returns as an in-person conference in Las Vegas! Unfortunately, I’m not there. (Insert sad face here.)

I’ve been developing in Java for over two and a half decades, almost as long as Java has existed. Much of my day job working with Spring involves working with Java. And in the past couple of years, I’ve been recognized as a Java Champion. One might say that I am a big fan of Java.

I’m also a big fan of developing voice applications, specifically Alexa skills. In honor of JavaOne taking place this week, I thought I would put together a brief video showing how to develop Alexa skills in Java.

If you’re a Java developer who is curious about developing for Alexa, then I hope that you’ll see how easy it is to get started with Alexa development. If you’re already familiar with Alexa development in Node or Python, maybe you’ll recognize how similar the Alexa SDK for Java is when compared to the Alexa SDK for Node and Python.

