Sleepy dog lying next to a wireless keyboard
Hank, rescue pit bull and core maintainer of GoodDogs.js

Dog-Driven Development

An Interview with Hank

Karl Stolley
3 min readApr 1, 2022


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I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Hank after he’d finished breakfast and his morning rawhide chew. For those of you who don’t know him, Hank is a rescue pit bull and core maintainer of the GoodDogs.js assertion library at the heart of dog-driven development. What follows is a transcript of our interview, which has been mercifully edited for length and barking fits at the window.

Karl: Hello, Hank. Who’s a good boy? Thanks for taking the time to discuss GoodDogs.js. For readers who might not be familiar, can you walk us through what dog-driven development (DDD) is?

Hank: [fusses, pushes a toy across the rug]

Karl: I see. So if I’m understanding you correctly, DDD has been strongly influenced by behavioral-driven development, but with a canine set of assertions at its heart. I assume that’s expressed by the GoodDogs.js assertion library. I wonder if you couldn't walk us through an example of its API?

Hank: [pulls up a file, yawns]

const {Treat} = require('../lib/dogthings');
const goodDogs = require('gooddogs');

describe('Dog Things', function() {
describe('a tasty treat', function() { beforeEach(function() {
const treat = new Treat();
it('should be so tasty', function() {
goodDogs.expect(treat)'so tasty');
it('should not be the only treat', function() {
const treats = [];
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
treats.push(new Treat());

Karl: Hmmmmm. I’ve got to say, that doesn’t look a whole lot different from other assertion libraries, like Chai or expect.js. hope() is a method I’ve not seen before. It’s usually just implicit in BDD, traditionally. What else would you say really makes your library unique?

Hank: [abruptly sits up and looks to the window, makes a low growl]

Karl: Diversions? Can you explain what diversions are?

Hank: [makes intense eye contact]

Karl: Oh, that sounds interesting. So diversions are basically a kind of wrapper around Promise objects? What do diversions look like in an actual test?

Hank: [starts typing]

const {Stay} = require('../lib/dogthings');
const goodDogs = require('gooddogs');

describe('Stay', function() {

it('should be easy to stay (but it\'s really not)', function() {
const stay = new Stay();
.expect(stay)'squirrel!')'doorbell!') {

Karl: That’s kind of bananas. But I do think that more assertion libraries need an um() method. I wonder whether, in addition to diversion() taking an argument, you might have some convenience methods, too, like .squirrel() and .doorbell()? Those seem pretty common.

Hank: [pants, licks chops]

Karl: [sighs] Yes, okay. I can open an issue about it on GitHub.

Hank: [lays down, closes eyes]

Karl: Looks like we’ve run up hard against your nap time. Thank you for participating in the interview, Hank, and sharing a little bit about your project. Best of luck with it.

Hank: You’re welcome. I need a bath.

Karl: Wait, what?

Hank: [snores]

Karl Stolley’s book, Programming WebRTC: Build Real-Time Streaming Applications for the Web, is available in beta from The Pragmatic Bookshelf. You can save 35 percent with promo code git_config_2022 now through April 30, 2022. Promo codes are not valid on prior purchases.



Karl Stolley
The Pragmatic Programmers

Author of Programming WebRTC, out in beta at Pragmatic Programmers. Chicagoan. Developer & writer.