Engineering Elixir Applications

by Ellie Fairholm and Josep Giralt D’Lacoste

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


Now available in beta, Ellie Fairholm and Josep Giralt D’Lacoste bring you a DevOps approach to BEAM applications. Pick up the ebook, Engineering Elixir Applications: Navigate Each Stage of Software Delivery with Confidence, from The Pragmatic Bookshelf website.

We’d love to hear what you think, so if you get the beta, please take a moment to share comments and suggestions on the book’s page on DevTalk:

BEAMOps starts by building a solid foundation for your project. On the infrastructure side, see how to use Terraform before you even start coding to automate your deployment and operations. On the project management side, we show you how to use issues and milestones to simplify tracking; you’ll use this foundation as you go through the book, implementing each of the steps required to deploy a scalable Elixir application.

Now that you have a foundation, you can start building. Create a Phoenix LiveView application and explore mix releases. Make your deployments reliable with Docker. Continuously improve your codebase by implementing an efficient continuous deployment/integration pipeline with GitHub Actions. Scale the Phoenix LiveView application and operate a distributed BEAM system in production using AWS EC2 nodes, AWS load balancers, and a remote Docker swarm. Recognize which application metrics should be collected and monitored, and set alerts when certain thresholds are met to ensure that your application auto-scales. Ship less code more often, and ensure it works!

The pragmatic BEAMOps approach that we teach in this book — an extension of the well-known DevOps paradigm — will help you become a multidisciplinary developer empowered to own each stage of the software delivery process. After reading this book, you’ll understand how to apply the BEAMOps principles in your daily work, creating reliable, scalable, and easy-to-understand applications in a cooperative team environment.

Book cover featuring purple and pink hues of light beams bent into a gem-like shape

