Escape Velocity: Better Metrics for Agile Teams
by Doc Norton
Escape Velocity: Better Metrics for Agile Teams by Doc Norton is now available from The Pragmatic Bookshelf.
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About Escape Velocity
Escape Velocity is the result of over 15 years of experience working with teams to improve the way they deliver software products.
In the mid-2000s, I started seeing detrimental patterns of behavior across teams practicing some form of agile; especially those who had chosen the Scrum framework. These patterns were directly related to or at least influenced by the use of velocity as a metric, and I found myself coaching teams away from velocity.
As time passed, my understanding of metrics, their potential influence on teams, alternatives to velocity, and more successful and sustainable approaches deepened. My ability to explain why velocity was insufficient as a metric grew more informed, as did my knowledge of what to do instead.
I eventually codified much of that knowledge into the book, Escape Velocity. While on the surface, Escape Velocity may appear to be an anti-velocity treatise, it is actually about how to use metrics in a healthy way, what pitfalls to look out for, and what metrics can better serve the team and the organization in the pursuit of excellence.
Now available from
This work was written and produced entirely by the author. We are proud to be distributing it.