From Ruby to Elixir: Unleash the Full Potential of Functional Programming

by Stephen Bussey

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


A Elixir book by Stephen Bussey is now in beta from The Pragmatic Bookshelf:

During the beta period, readers can make comments and suggestions on the book’s page on DevTalk:

Elixir will change the way you think about programming. Use your Ruby experience to quickly get up to speed, so you can see what all of the buzz is about. Go from zero to production applications that are reliable, fast, and scalable. Learn Elixir syntax and pattern matching to conquer the basics. Then move onto Elixir’s unique process model that offers a world-class way to go parallel without fear. Finally, use the most common libraries like Ecto, Phoenix, and Oban to build a real-world SMS application. Now’s the time. Dive in and learn Elixir.

