Guiding Star OKRs

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers
2 min readSep 18, 2024


by Staffan Nöteberg

Now in beta from The Pragmatic Programmers, Staffan Nöteberg distills knowledge from diverse industries to inspire, align, and empower teams in Guiding Star OKRs.

While the book is in beta, please share your thoughts and suggestions on the book’s page on DevTalk. DevTalk community members can save 35 percent on the ebook with an exclusive DevTalk promo code.

About Guiding Star OKRs

Tired of goals that feel like a chore, only to be abandoned when things get tough? The Guiding Star OKR framework offers a refreshing new approach to goal setting, one that emphasizes purpose, unified direction, and the freedom to adapt when needed.

Unlike traditional OKRs that can stifle innovation and demotivate teams, this book teaches you to create a compelling “Guiding Star” vision that inspires everyone to pull in the same direction. Discover how to foster intrinsic motivation, giving your team the autonomy to pursue their goals with passion and creativity. Establish a clear and inspiring vision that illuminates a common way forward for the organization. Learn to embrace continuous adaptation, making sure your organization stays agile in a rapidly changing world.

Whether you’re a leader looking to transform your company culture, or a team member seeking greater purpose in your work, the Guiding Star OKR framework offers a proven path to sustainable success.

Now available in beta from

