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It’s All a Blur!

How Do I Make Sure My Work Is Visible?

Writing for Yourself and Writing for Readers

The Pragmatic Programmers
9 min readJul 31, 2022


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Leading well means enabling your team to do their best work. But one problem that many leaders face is feeling like their effort is completely invisible: they spend their time making decisions, prioritizing, reviewing, connecting and removing blockers. It’s messy, often intangible, work.

At best, this situation can make great managers feel like they’d like a little more time in the spotlight. At worst, others might not understand the depth and impact of the work that they’re doing — meaning they miss out on praise and even promotion.

In this week’s post, we’ll be covering:

  • The difficulty of remembering what you’re working on in a fast-paced environment when every week feels like a blur.
  • Brag documents, which is a great way to tackle the invisibility problem.
  • The process I use to write mine, which is an iterative process throughout each week.
  • An evolution of brag documents into internal newsletters, a technique that I currently use at…



James Stanier
The Pragmatic Programmers

Writing things that interest me. Hopefully they'll interest you as well.