How to Read This Book

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies — by Tammy Coron (9 / 193)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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If you’re new to game development or Apple game frameworks and technologies, your best bet is to read this book cover-to-cover. The chapters and sample projects were carefully crafted and their order well planned. In a sense, these chapters tell a story and take you on a journey — some would say a hero’s journey. (I don’t want to spoil the surprise, but you, my friend, are the hero in this book. I’m just your guide.)

If reading something cover-to-cover isn’t your style, don’t worry; reading this book linearly is not mandatory. If there’s a specific topic that interests you — let’s say you want to know how to create and use tile maps or add physics to your games — no problem; every chapter in this book includes a starter project, so you can jump right in at any point without having to worry. I also include an ending project for every chapter, so if you get stuck, you can use those projects as a reference.

👈 What’s Not in This Book | TOC | Conventions Used in This book 👉

Apple Game Frameworks and Technologies by Tammy Coron can be purchased in other book formats directly from the Pragmatic Programmers. If you notice a code error or formatting mistake, please let us know here so that we can fix it.



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