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How to Run a Pomodoro

A Quick Guide with Just Four Rules

Margaret Eldridge
2 min readNov 28, 2022


Staffan Nöteberg recently posted on LinkedIn that the Chinese language version of his book Pomodoro Technique Illustrated reached 500,000 copies in sales. Needless to say, that is an astounding figure. But it is also a reminder that the Pomodoro Technique is an incredibly effective way to boost your productivity and avoid burnout.

Following is a very abbreviated set of rules to try the Pomodoro Technique.

  1. A Pomodoro lasts twenty-five minutes, followed by a five-minute break. It can’t be split.
  2. Once it starts you must finish the Pomodoro, or it doesn’t count.
  3. If you finish early, continue reviewing and improving.
  4. Every four Pomodoros, take a longer break (thirty minutes).

Track your completed Pomodoros and interruptions throughout the day. If you can minimize interruptions and maintain the sanctity of a Pomodoro session, you’ll have valuable streaks of uninterrupted time to accomplish your goals.

For an in-depth and very helpful look at managing your time, pick up the audio or ebook version of Pomodoro Technique Illustrated. When you buy either one from The Pragmatic Bookshelf website, you can save 40 percent with code turkeysale2022 through November 28, 2022:

The Pomodoro Technique is great for programmers but has much broader applications. Use it to get through any task with greater focus.

