Part 3

Incremental Lifecycles

What Lifecycle or Agile Approach Fits Your Context?

The Pragmatic Programmers
5 min readOct 13, 2020


So far, we’ve discussed the lever of canceling a project at any time with the serial lifecycles in Part 1.

That’s assuming you replan and/or cancel.

We added another lever of looking for more feedback with iterating over the requirements in the iterative lifecycles in Part 2:

Teams have another lever. They can release increments of value. That’s what the incremental lifecycles offer.

Notice that the serial and iterative approaches all assume one delivery at the end of the project. The incremental approaches offer multiple deliveries throughout the project.

And, because these lifecycles offer deliveries, you have the option of



The Pragmatic Programmers

I help managers and leaders do reasonable things that work. Author of 14 books and counting…