It’s Just Artificial Intelligence: History and Modern Applications

by Eric Redmond

The Pragmatic Programmers
19 min readSep 3, 2021


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Artificial intelligence is not one field, but many. Eric builds a map of the whole complex landscape of AI.

Lego Clone Trooper on Brighton Beach by Jeremy Keith via Flickr

This article is for those who have passively consumed press about Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Neural Networks, and the like over the past couple years, trying to track the changing topology of such a vast, complex landscape. So rather than focus on a particular portion of AI as data science or robotics, this article intends to build a map around the events, technology, and possibilities that continue to shape this winding narrative.

The field of artificial intelligence is too nuanced for a definitive birth date, but one event in the late 18th century is a good start. In his…



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