It’s Just Artificial Intelligence: What’s Different Now

by Eric Redmond

The Pragmatic Programmers
15 min readSep 17, 2021


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Artificial intelligence is not one field, but many. Eric builds a map of the whole complex landscape of AI.

Last month Eric covered the history of AI. This month he delves into the technologies themselves.

Photo by Clark Van Der Beken on Unsplash

Fueled by a boom in a branch of AI called machine learning (ML), AI has emerged from an academic curiosity to changing the world in practice. How did we get here? A handful of shifts in the technology landscape have contributed to this AI resurgence over the past decade, and these core investments are poised to keep bringing new cognitive capabilities to bear on an ever-wider array of goods and services. These improvements have risen from three coequal changes: better hardware, democratization of algorithms and…



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