Machine Learning in Elixir: Learning to Learn with Nx and Axon

by Sean Moriarity

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


Machine Learning in Elixir by Sean Moriarity is now out of beta and fully released:

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The Elixir Nx project aims to make machine learning possible without the need to leave Elixir for solutions in other languages. And even if concepts like linear models and logistic regression are new to you, you’ll be using them and much more to solve real-world problems in no time.

Start with the basics of the Nx programming paradigm — how it differs from the Elixir programming style you’re used to and how it enables you to write machine learning algorithms. Use your understanding of this paradigm to implement foundational machine learning algorithms from scratch. Go deeper and discover the power of deep learning with Axon. Unlock the power of Elixir and learn how to build and deploy machine learning models and pipelines anywhere. Learn how to analyze, visualize, and explain your data and models.

Discover how to use machine learning to solve diverse problems from image recognition to content recommendation — all in your favorite programming language.

Cover for Machine Learning in Elixir by Sean Moriarity featuring two robotic faces back to back, one blue, one brown, both with feminine features
Cover for Machine Learning in Elixir by Sean Moriarity

