Self-Publishing, Distribution, or Traditional Publishing

How Should You Publish Your Book? 📘

Margaret Eldridge
The Pragmatic Programmers


You have an idea for a programming book. Now what? Do you dive in and write the draft manuscript and then try to find a publisher? Should you just put it up on LeanPub or publish it yourself using the tools that Amazon provides? Many factors go into deciding how to get your book published. Let’s take a look at the information and tools you need to decide.

Do you have some tech knowledge you are passionate about? Are you ready to inspire others? Reach out to The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

Make a Pros and Cons List

We won’t pretend there is a completely objective way to decide how to publish your book, but you can approach it in a somewhat methodical manner. Perhaps start with a simple pros and cons list for each option you are considering and call the option with the most pros the winner.

Pros and cons scale drawn on a blackboard
Image by docstockmedia on

You could get a bit fancier and apply different weights to the factors based on how important they are to you. Good news. We’ve set up a decision matrix for you if you’d like to try it. Save a copy and then start plugging in the numbers based on your personal needs. You can even change the factors to consider. Once you plug in all the numbers, you will have a weighted score for each option…

