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The Spectrum of Permanence

Create Useful, Tidy Artifacts for Your Colleagues and Future Self

James Stanier
9 min readFeb 18, 2021


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Synchronous Recap

This article is one in a series, so let’s start with a recap.

In the last article we looked at the spectrum of synchronousness, which showed how there exists:

  • A continuum between synchronous and asynchronous communication.
  • Implicit expectations with that communication, depending on the medium and format you choose to communicate with.
  • A need to shift right along this spectrum in order to better support remote and distributed working.

In this article, we’re going to look at permanence.

Whenever you communicate, you create artifacts — a record of what took place. These artifacts range from a remembered conversation with a colleague to a…



James Stanier
The Pragmatic Programmers

Writing things that interest me. Hopefully they'll interest you as well.