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Trying Out the Rust Bevy Engine

Kick the Tires with a Space Invaders Game

Herbert Wolverson
The Pragmatic Programmers
11 min readAug 19, 2021


One year ago, the Bevy Engine launched. Hands-on Rust was just emerging from technical review, and one reviewer asked me, “is it too late to include Bevy?” After a good look at the nascent Bevy project, I concluded that it had some amazing potential — but wasn’t far enough along to justify rewriting a large part of my book. Now that Hands-on Rust is released — and Bevy has come a long way — let’s take a look at the Bevy engine.

Bevy is still in development (version 0.5 at the time of writing), so using it for a long-running project is still risky. You may find yourself rewriting a bunch of code when it updates. Despite that risk, it’s an attractive proposition. Bevy includes:

  • A great entity-component system (ECS), a lot like Legion — but easier to use
  • Great 2D rendering and window control
  • 3D support is coming along nicely
  • A nice User Interface system
  • Audio
  • Web Assembly support
  • Really fast compilation times

All that makes for a really attractive feature set.

Bevy is a great fit for Hands-on Rust readers. Everything you learned about entities, components, and systems is…

