Use Kind for Local Development and Continuous Integration

Distributed Services with Go — by Travis Jeffery (73 / 84)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Install kubectl | TOC | Write an Agent Command-Line Interface 👉

Kind[55] (an acronym for Kubernetes IN Docker) is a tool developed by the Kubernetes team to run local Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers as nodes. It’s the easiest way to run your own Kubernetes cluster, and it’s great for local development, testing, and continuous integration.

To install Kind, run the following:

​ $ curl -Lo ./kind​$(​uname​)​-amd64
​ $ chmod +x ./kind
​ $ mv ./kind /usr/local/bin/kind

To use Kind, you’ll need to install Docker.[56] See Docker’s dedicated install instructions for your operation system.

With Docker running, you can create a Kind cluster by running:

​ $ kind create cluster

You can then verify that Kind created your cluster and configured kubectl to use it by running the following:

​ $ kubectl cluster-info
​ > Kubernetes master is running at
​ KubeDNS is running at \

To further debug and diagnose cluster problems, use kubectl cluster-info dump.



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