Why Make Web Apps in Clojure?

Web Development with Clojure, Third Edition — by Dmitri Sotnikov, Scot Brown (6 / 107)

The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


👈 Why Clojure? | TOC | How to Read This Book 👉

Clojure boasts tens of thousands of users across hundreds of companies; it’s used in a wide range of settings, including banks and hospitals. Clojure is likely the most popular Lisp dialect today for starting new development. It has proven itself in serious production systems, and the feedback from users has been overwhelmingly positive.

Because web development is one of the major domains for using Clojure, several popular libraries and frameworks have sprouted and matured in this area. In this book we’ll primarily focus on the Luminus stack. The following chapters will teach you how to use Clojure and Luminus to build web applications effectively.

Many platforms are available for doing web development, so why should you choose Clojure over other options?

Well, consider those options. Many popular platforms force you to make trade-offs. Some platforms lack performance, others require a lot of boilerplate, and others lack the infrastructure necessary for real-world applications.

Clojure addresses the questions of performance and infrastructure by being a hosted language. The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is a mature and highly performant environment with great tooling and deployment options. Clojure brings expressive power akin to that of Ruby and…



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