Five Steps for Writing Your Book’s Elevator Pitch

Tap Your Imagination to Sell Your Book

Jim Almo
The Pragmatic Programmers


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Your elevator pitch can be the life or death of your book. Here’s how to write a good one.

Photo by Christian Mack on Unsplash

No one’s going to read your book. Or at least, no one’s going to read your book if you don’t give it a little hype. If you can write an engaging elevator pitch, you can capture your audience. You’ll have them in the grips of curiosity, excitedly waiting to see what comes next. They’ll have no choice but to pick up your book and discover the brilliance within.

What is an elevator pitch? The elevator pitch for your book is a short teaser that captures the attention of your audience (and initially, a publisher). It sets up a relatable problem and promises a solution.

Take the first paragraph of this post, for example. Writing a book takes a lot of work and energy. You want your book to sell. You want people to read it. And it’s disheartening to think that no one will touch it. That’s the problem

