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The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers


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Distributed Services with Go


This is the book for Gophers who want to learn how to build distributed systems. You know the basics of Go and are eager to put your knowledge to work. Build distributed services that are highly available, resilient, and scalable. This book is just what you need to apply Go to real-world situations. Level up your engineering skills today.

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Build Websites with Hugo


Rediscover how fun web development can be with Hugo, the static site generator and web framework that lets you build content sites quickly, using the skills you already have. Design layouts with HTML and share common components across pages. Create Markdown templates that let you create new content quickly. Consume and generate JSON, enhance layouts with logic, and generate a site that works on any…



The Pragmatic Programmers
The Pragmatic Programmers

We create timely, practical books and learning resources on classic and cutting-edge topics to help you practice your craft and accelerate your career.