Photo by Valeria Terekhina on Unsplash

Your Big Data Needs a Mission Statement

Steering the Course for Data-Based Decisions

Lauren Maffeo
4 min readDec 21, 2022


Check the Twelve Days of PragProg page for a special flash sale on December 21 on Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up
by Lauren Maffeo.

When I was a research analyst at Gartner, I surveyed several hundred employees at North American businesses about how they used data. The following observations emerged.

Data, decisions, and confidence:

  • A positive correlation exists between how confident people are in their data decision-making and how important they believe data is to their businesses.
  • Employing data scientists makes business leaders more confident that they have the right data and insights to make business decisions.

People and tools:

  • Companies with full-time employees who analyze data also use business intelligence (BI) software more often.
  • Business leaders who use BI software rate the data-based decisions they make as more impactful.

