2: Pragmatic Programmer Digest

James Louie
Pragmatic Programming
1 min readAug 23, 2021

Legacy Code and What to do with it

I started following Michaela a few months ago and she is one of my favorite software engineering podcasts at the moment. In this episode, she takes a dive into the world of legacy code with Michael Feathers, an industry expert of the topic, and they discuss how to frame the the problems we face and strategies for approaching the problem.

How to quantify tech debt

One of the problems that my current team is facing is how to manage technical debt, and one of the most important things that I’m learning is how important terminology is when talking about topics. Stephen does a great job of giving us vocabulary to talk about the different types of code debt, their impacts in various areas, and some strategies you can look at.



James Louie
Pragmatic Programming

Developer looking to make the code a little more clean