Template WebAPI: Experiences building WebAPI and how I would do it

James Louie
Pragmatic Programming
1 min readDec 17, 2018

Working in the .NET environment, you will quickly become familiar with Web APIs, which is the web server solution Microsoft provides as part of the .NET ecosystem. Building many APIs over the years, I’ve started to gains opinions about what I like and don’t like about how systems are built. I’m happy to showcase my recent work, Core Template, which I’ve been refining and tinkering with to get it just the way I like it.

The Core Template is an example micro service that one would build using .NET Core designed with Clean Architecture in mind.

The goals of this template:

  • Be easy to follow!
  • Following the Dependency Rule — Source code dependencies should only point outward
  • Work with pure entities, rather than depend on database objects
  • Organize classes to be easy to find, and make sense

Without further ado, please check it out on Github.

I will follow up with articles that explain my different design choices, and will continually keep it up to date as I learn more. Eventually I want to be able to turn this into a Visual Studio Template which can be downloaded and used to create the solution structure instantly.

Originally published at jameslouiecs.blogspot.com.



James Louie
Pragmatic Programming

Developer looking to make the code a little more clean