5 Ways to Create Meaningful Moments During Physical Distancing

Joanne Singh
prajñā — conscious leadership
3 min readJun 12, 2020
Photography: Joanne M. Singh, Location: Mto wa Mbu Village, Tanzani

Physical distancing has you feeling bored?

Here are 5 ideas to create meaningful moments with your newly founded extra time:

1. Move your body

There has never been a time where fitness has been so accessible. There are countless personal trainers posting daily livestreams on their socials — all for the low cost of free-99.

From Crossfit WODs to barre workouts to yoga classes, there is an endless array of options available at your fingertips (literally). Consider trying something new!

The beauty is that these sessions cater to your home space, requiring little to no equipment. Live sessions also create a sense of community that you would not ordinarily get through your typical at home workout.

2. Make plans with family and friends

Yes, I said make plans.

Physical distancing does not equate to being unsocial.

Schedule virtual coffee dates, dinners, games nights, drinks, Netflix parties — whatever you would normally do — with your family and friends. The key is to plan in advance as this creates structure and also gives you something to look forward to, especially on the weekends.

3. Create a reading challenge

If you’re anything like me, you spend more time racking up your reading list than actually reading. Now is the time to make a dent into that list.

Make reading part of your daily routine through creating a reading challenge — either individually or with others. The Goodreads app is great for this!

Consider starting a book club as a way of creating community and supporting your personal reading goals.

4. Develop a new skill

Looking to learn a new language? Wanting to take up knitting? Interested in up skilling for an area of your business? Now is the time!

One of the most effective strategies in thriving in uncertainty in finding purpose. Developing a new skill is one way of doing this.

Many influencers are offering free workshops through their mailing lists. There are ample how-to videos available on YouTube. Platforms, like Udemy, offer a vast array of paid courses.

Get out of your comfort zone and try something new. You’ll be pleasantly surprised!

5. Self-reflect

I can only speak for myself here — I have a tendency to be going at 100 miles an hour all the time. I fill my life up with my unending list of interests which on one hand is fulfilling, and on the other is puts me at risk of burnout.

Having extra time in my day has allowed me to hone in on my morning routine — particularly around journaling. The extra pockets of space in my day creates a space for me to observe my thoughts and reflect.

Being bored isn’t a bad thing.

Create a time in your day to reflect. Feeling anxious? Lonely? Scared? That’s okay — write it down. Free writing is a powerful tool for building self awareness and creates a space for healing.

We are living in unique times that comes with it’s challenges and opportunities alike. Create meaningful moments with intention.

Move. Connect. Learn. Reflect.



Joanne Singh
prajñā — conscious leadership

Mover, Shaker, CHANGEMAKER | Writing on the intersection of consciousness and leadership | Helping you leverage your inner power to create lasting impact