Parenting Tips (with Examples)

Venkata Dinesh Pothu
Prakriya Academy


You would be surprised to know that in general humans use a combination of all the parenting styles.
You are doing pretty good job as parent and hopefully your child is Happy and joyous most of the times
Growing as responsible kids as you give enough room for proper communication
They become responsible decision makers and are smart at assessing risks and safety factors.
The parent and child bond with each other is in the most beautiful manner
We understand the efforts needed to make a kid happy. You might be facing problems like Child may show communicative problems and might struggle scholastically. Striking a balance all the time becomes difficult.
The strict rules and patterns can make them rebellious and secretive as they grow up

May be following tips can help you further.

Demanding and Responsive
Demanding: Your child’s exams are coming, and you tell him that he needs to top the class. You set this goal because he has been doing well in the exams since a long time and you understand his capabilities.

Responsive:But if he falls ill suddenly, or misses his classes for some reason, you realize that it could be difficult for him to meet his goal. You ask his opinion and help him in achieving his mission or lower your expectations.

Verbal Give and Take (Encourage communication)
You form a rule that everyone at home should wake up by 6.30 am. Instead of stopping there, as a good parent you tell your kids why they should get up early in the morning and how it is going to benefit them.

If your child feels it is too early for him to wake up, you try to get the reason for his unwillingness.

Involved and Understanding
Your child has been practicing cricket to get selected in the final team to play in the tournament. You help him plan, search for information on the internet, draw the plan, and also provide him a balanced diet that is important for his physical fitness.

You talk to his coach to understand his strengths and the areas of improvement and support the child in overcoming his shortcomings.

Criticism and Praise
Your teen daughter has lost focus on her studies and is performing poorly in her class. You talked to her several times but she is rigid. Then you express disapproval for her for lack of effort and criticize her attitude.

You observe that she has realized her mistake and is trying to change her ways. While you do not jump to congratulate her on the change, you do let her know that you have made a note of it. You praise her at the right time as you know that words of appreciation mean a lot.

Give Freedom but Monitor
Your teen son wants to party with his friends late in the night to celebrate his success. You allow him to go but not before asking questions such as where and with whom he is going and when he plans to be back.

If you think something is wrong, you make follow-ups to make sure that he is not on the wrong track.

Love and Limits
Your child asks for a bicycle, and you do not want to say no as it is the right age for him to ride. But you are afraid that he might get influenced by his friends to drive rashly. You will make it clear to him that you are happy to buy him a bicycle only if he promises not to exceed the speed limits. You will also monitor if he is keeping his promise or not.

Spend Time
You make sure that the mobile phones are put aside, and the TV is switched off during the dinner time as it is the right time for the family to bond and know how each other’s day was.

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