Prakriya Academy
Published in
2 min readJul 24, 2018


Parenting is a prolong process of molding and supporting a child’s thought process essentially in social, emotional, moral and physical aspects. But unfortunately, in many parts of the country, parenting has turned out to be a success measuring factor determining the parent’s contribution to the child’s academic excellence.

Photo by Daniel Cheung

If we presume that this is the case in just rural areas, then we are certainly blinding ourselves from seeing the reality. Exempting a few metropolitan parts of the country, many regions aren’t even familiar with the concept of parenting and how important a role it plays in building the future generation of the country and most importantly in nurturing the young and tender individual minds. The most common trap parents fall into in not recognizing the importance of parenting is, not understanding the fact that children are meant to expand and test their limitations but not live in an igloo and limit their risk-taking abilities. And there is also a problem for parents in identifying the generational utilities which means that every generation has a different set of issues to deal with, like the current generation is dealing with some intense adverse effects of digital & social media and information abundance, the previous generation has dealt with excess of educated unemployment. Though these can be viewed as social issues in a broader vision with respect to the nation, they impact the emotional and psychological traits so much that it gets hard for people to identify the need to change their flow of thoughts and welcome a change.

Parenting might seem to be a very booming western concept but in countries like India, it is always imbibed in the culture. It is very unfortunate that in the lapse of generations, the culture has been diluted so much that we no more see any signs of good parenting in our lifestyles. But all we need is proper education regarding parenting among the parents and building the courage to accept that we need to reset our mindsets and start afresh in building proper parenting principles and guide the next generation to be more strong, sensible and successful.

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