How to turn an unhealthy habit into an opportunity for corporate culture change.

40–50% of the things we do is not a choice, but a habit.

Jeehye Jung
Praktice Health
2 min readOct 5, 2016


After repeating the same routine 2–3 times, our brain goes into autopilot. This is probably why not all of our actions are rational. Perhaps the easiest example of this is getting a burger trio for lunch. A “small” Dominos pizza. Or a BLT with extra mayo.

You know by now that this makes you drowsy for the rest of the afternoon; but you still do it. It’s a negative habit loop.

Thankfully, habits aren’t destiny. They are difficult to break, but it’s not impossible.

Add social reinforcement! Take the healthy office lunch challenge as a team. Eat lunch three times a week with your team members. They will hold you accountable and provide motivation; all while building an increased sense of community and friendship at the workplace. Cue new POSITIVE habit.

healthy habits = happy life

These initiatives can be implemented in any company, big or small. The easiest way to change habits is when we have short-term goals with clear targets. This is why our programs are designed around attainable 30-day challenges.

Turn your company from a workplace with a wellness program to a wellness workplace, and practice health with Praktice Health.

