Modern Data Stack Conference 2021 — my notes

Pramod Biligiri
Pramod Biligiri’s Blog
5 min readOct 8, 2021

I heard about a recent conference called “Modern Data Stack 2021” which seemed interesting. I watched some of their talks and learnt quite a bit. My notes below.

Fantastic data products and how to build them (video link)
by engineers from 4Mile Analytics and Betterhelp

  • A data-product will enable data driven decisions by providing a highly customized, action-oriented experience.(not just viz)
  • Requires as foundation a well governed, trustworthy data stack
  • Usually companies uses 3rd party BI tools, sometimes they need to go beyond that for a customized internal UI
  • Demo at (showing truck traffic via IoT data from trucks)
  • Demo app has notifications, has a clickable action to message truck driver, along with visualizations
  • It also includes an embedded Looker dashboard
  • Core tenets: i) Empathy ii) Trustworthy iii) Agility iv) It’s a Product
  • Betterhelp is building an app around these principles
  • They’re using dbt as a core piece
  • They have tests and documentation for all their models
  • Nice lineage view is available for dbt transformation pipelines (solves a big pain point)
  • Design patterns: version controlled, democratized biz logic and data modelling, proactive alerts, data and schema testing, observability

What Modern Data Architecture is, really? (video link)
by an architect at Snowflake

  • Data Arch has got stagnant and uses outdated patterns
  • Data gets siloed in large orgs
  • The shift to Cloud data platforms enabled SQL and fast answers compared to on-prem Hadoop
  • Snowflake: Enable SQL and single platform for all use cases (avoid silos)
  • We created data cubes because the data warehouse can’t scale
  • Then we scaled data warehouse using file based data lakes
  • Then Spark-like systems operate on subsets of files and create their own cubes. Again, leading to silos.
  • Snowflake is the one platform to support all your workloads

Your next data warehouse is a Lakehouse (video link)
by two data architects from Databricks

  • More companies are having to become data companies, and their data maturity levels are still low
  • There is a fragmented landscape of data tools, your data too ends up getting siloed as a result. Other side effects are data discrepancies, issues with governance
  • Data lakes and warehouses are complementary, with different benefits
  • Data lakes are good to do ML on — support for different formats, unstructured data. Note that fundamentally you’re working at file level
  • Warehouses are great for tabular style BI but not for ML
  • Unifying the two would be great. This is what Delta Lake does!
  • DL brings data mgmt and governance to data lakes
  • You don’t work at file level though
  • Supports indexes which makes queries many many times faster
  • Databricks DL is open standards and open source
  • It’s collaborative across teams
  • Fivetran + dbt + Databricks is a good combo for a modern data stack
  • Databricks SQL allows customers to have data warehouse performance on top of their DataLake. They’ve built a vectorized SQL engine called Photon in C++. It leverage SIMD chips.
  • Databricks SQL also has a Serverless Compute offering. They can spin up a new cluster in 15 seconds. No need for you to do capacity management and allocate resources
  • Some optimizations on how BI tools interact with Databricks through SQL
  • There are improvements on the ML side
  • AutoML is a transparent way to generate baseline ML models. You only need to indicate which column in a DataFrame you need to predict
  • Feature Store improvements

How to accelerate analytics with a modern approach (video link)
by engineers from Sisudata and Fivetran

  • Transformation is a high value activity
  • We’re in the “information collection” age, not yet in the “information age”
  • dbt focuses exclusively on transformation
  • dbt handles transformation entirely within the data warehouse — there’s no extract or load
  • Analysts can express their transformation in code (SQL)
  • It is designed around SQL files, YML and an open source Python package
  • The transformation process is idempotent
  • Helps analysts iterate, re-rerun etc esp as schema gets updated
  • It’s a hard concept to wrap your head around, and took him weeks too
  • Sisu is a decision intelligence platform focussed on speed of end-to-end results
  • dbt packages include bundled analytics and other transformations: That’s game changing, Two lines of code to start integrating hubspot data!
  • A new fivetran feature is Integrated Scheduling with dbt

Fivetran Future Roadmap (video link)
by the VP of Product at Fivetran

  • Fivetran has 200 engineers
  • Highest priority is reliability of data delivery
  • Column masking
  • Mirror GDrive etc folders into warehouse tables
  • Links through VPC without using public internet. All data encrypted at rest and in motion using customer’s keys!
  • Facilities to onboard customer data from external sources
  • Integrated scheduling with dbt core
  • They’ve built many prebuilt data modelling packages (linkedin, jira, youtube, salesforce etc)

New Kids on the Block (video link)
A 5-minute presentation each from a bunch of startups

  • Platform for all analytics workloads
  • Users: data engineers and developers
  • Eg: SimilarWeb crunches over 200TB in seconds!

2. Hex

  • Collaborative analytics workspace (Python + SQL + UI)
  • Can generate interactive data apps
  • Eg: 60+ users across teams are collaborating one customer account

3. Materialize

  • Simplest way to get started with streaming. A simple fast SQL streaming experience
  • Built from the ground up as a streaming database to enable streaming analytics
  • SQL is Postgres compatible
  • Also available as a cloud product
  • Eg: A financial services firm need quick, heavy queries on OLTP data. Materialize let them join data in Kafka with data in Postgres!

4. Transform

  • (Business) Metrics store
  • Enables data analysts to define consistent metrics across all of a company’s products. Enables metrics governance at scale.
  • They believe inconsistencies in metrics is a key problem in making data accessible
  • Eg: Netlify is a customer

5. Select Star

  • Automated data discovery tool
  • They gather usage stats to know most frequent columns, tables etc
  • You can search across all database and BI tools
  • There is Lineage, tagging
  • Eg: Pitney Bowes company uses Select Star as a metadata management tool

6. Treeverse

  • Git like repository for data objects
  • Eg: SimilarWeb is using Treeverse to manage data related to ML experiments

7. Tellius

  • AI Driven Decision Intelligence problem
  • An AI layer sits on top of data, queries can be via NLP
  • Use cases: Segmentation, anomalies
  • You can get subsecond response for adhoc queries at scale
  • Eg: A Fortune 10 company was able to figure out why high loan delinquency rates were happening

8. Atlan

  • Collaborative workspace for moden data teams
  • i) Reusability of data assets ii) Lineage iii) Embedded collaboration (URLs for data assets etc)
  • Eg: Unilever got more visibility into their data lake and use Atlan as the portal to that

