How do I decide what book to read?

Pravash Karki
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2020

We can’t deny the fact that reading is essential to get insight, knowledge, wisdom, inspiration, entertainment, training, and much more. There is no such book as a bad book; it depends on how we perceive it.

Have you ever been in a situation that you find it very hard to choose a book? I have been there and wasted my time. Picking the right book can be difficult and time-consuming. Here are my experiences a simple 3 guide to select the right kind of book.

1. Read What You Like

I call this interest-based reading. The idea here is basically choosing any book that you want. By doing this, you have the freedom to read any book. It can be fiction, sci-fi, knowledge-based. You can read for motivation, it can be a therapy sometime to get yourself out of the constant thoughts. It can be a refreshing break, or It can be a daily habit of reading. Reading is fulfilling and just fun sometimes. The beauty here is you have to choose a few books, a minimum of 3 books, and read on your favorable time.

2. Read to Uplift and Solve Problems

Choose a book based on what aspects of your life you want to uplift or solve a problem by adding value, knowledge, and wisdom, and training. This type of book needs a focus time. You have to take notes, follow the exercises to get the value and benefits out of it. Also, in many cases, you might have to read it twice or thrice. The best books are there for us to help uplift our situation by guiding a way out or providing value.

3. Read Outside of Your Comfort Zone

Most of us usually choose a book that is recommended by friends, Influencers, and mentors. I mostly read books on how to launch products, operate a company business stuff, productivity hacks, design, etc.

I recently realized that what I have believed that I enjoy reading a particular type of book is suddenly false. It turns out to be something my brain has convinced me. I was using the knowledge I get from books, articles to make life more comfortable or solve problems. Still, I wasn’t actually enjoying reading, in other words, it’s not something I like to read.

I was listening to a podcast, and there was this book recommendation “Freedom from the Known” by Jiddu Krishnamurti. I choose to read that book though it isn’t something that I usually read, and it kinda blew me away. I end up liking so much. If you haven’t read this book yet. I highly recommend you read or listen to a free audiobook from YouTube.

BONUS: Read Book Reviews to Save Time

Look for reviews and notes by another reader by doing that; you will get a summary of an idea of what the book contains and what you can expect out of it. I have read a book that turns out to be something else after reading half of the book. It is a very critical point to decide whether to complete it or stop reading it. Reviews and reader’s books notes can be a time savior.

I enjoy reading blogs and weekly newsletters, books about life lessons, minimalism, mindfulness, thoughts, technology, magazine, marketing, web agency blogs, mental and physical health, yoga, cultures, and more.

Share your thoughts on what type of books you like to read and how you choose your book in the comment section.

“So many books, so little time.”
― Frank Zappa

