
Pravda is a Virgin

Jamais Biedermann
Pravda the Virgin


Boredom calls for war. If man does not answer the call, the voice will turn on him and devour him with paranoid hyperbole as we are currently witnessing with western civilization. Too successful with scientific sanitation for their own good. To banish the demons of our paranoia, we have no choice but go to war. Once man has razed reality and nothing obstructs his view any longer, he may realize that the demon he has been fighting is still alive, stirring, whispering, taunting and insinuating in the darkest reaches of his mind: “Beware! Watch out! Beyond the horizon it is lurking, waiting to pounce on you, should you ever let down your guard! And once night has fallen, it will creep up on you! Beware! You won’t ever be safe!”

Man may have been expelled from paradise for wanting to know and be sure forever and unto eternity. Never again to be exposed to doubt, all fears banished and under control. A life in safety and perfect predictability for sure is the worst scenario for a sentient being, turning ourselves into lab rats on display in the zoo of scientific sanitation …

Boredom is the call for war, always has been. Whenever man was deprived of opportunities to make a difference in his life, he followed the most daring general and fought whoever got in his way. The mind is a whore and will follow whoever offers promises of hope. Humans are susceptible to promises of a more interesting life. No one to blame but the avantgarde of sanitation, if the rest of us falls in step and follows any more daring general. It does not matter much whom we fight, long as we are given an opportunity to fight and make a difference. We may learn what might be worth it in the course of the battle, and adjust our strategy and attitude as worthy sons of the liquid age …

Either you join our ranks, or you get out of our way. Everybody else an enemy at best, more likely a nuisance to be purged. What do I care what happens to my body? Just a bag of dark matter and juices. Glad to be rid of it. The less baggage I lug along, the easier I can travel the astral sea, looking for my astral amazon. Either she does me in, or else I may join her as we ride the avalanches of fate and destiny hand in hand, eye in eye …

Aphrodite and her sisters are known to lose their manner and temper when treated with disrespect. The Gods themselves feared them when angered. Yet scientific humankind in the grandeur of its delusion believes all they need to do is upscale their technology of death and control to rein in the charms and graces of Aphrodite. As they see their own kind succumb to immune deficiency, they intend to treat it with drugs and chemo therapy. Agent Orange resurrected in dayglo colors. Undetected by surveillance technology, the metastases of dark matter will continue its corruption of life and matter as the plague of 20th century, still viral in the early 21st century …

For a dreamer there is no danger of ever being bored out his mind. Anybody who interferes with my dream is an enemy. My dream has made me strong, immune to fear and the corruption of mind and matter. War does invigorate man beyond his wildest fears. Long as reality is not up to the challenges of my dream, I shall gladly go to war. Then let us see what our dreams are made of. The most daring dream will triumph …



Jamais Biedermann
Pravda the Virgin

Particle Accelerator recycling reality from a fractal perspective to attain a superposition of more than 2 possibilities