Redefining Financial Services for India’s Salaried Class

Pravega Team
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2024

SalarySe is a new player in the Indian fintech scene, aiming to redefine how salaried employees manage their money.

SalarySe’s platform offers a suite of financial products specifically designed to cater to the needs of this vast and often underserved population.

At the heart of their offering lies a unique credit solution — instant, UPI-enabled loans disbursed directly through an employee’s salary. This “collect at source” approach simplifies repayments and minimizes the risk of defaults, making it a win-win for both borrowers and lenders.

With the rise of UPI as the preferred digital payment method, SalarySe’s UPI-enabled credit solution aims to capitalize on this form factor. We believe that the UPI mode will make credit accessible to the burgeoning class of employees.

But SalarySe’s ambitions extend beyond just credit. They envision a one-stop shop for all things finance, offering everything from personalized loan plans to investment products. Partnering with employers, SalarySe aims to simplify access to these crucial financial products, removing the hurdles often faced by salaried individuals.

Of course, SalarySe isn’t alone in this competitive landscape. Neobanks, traditional payment companies, and credit card players are all vying for a piece of the pie. However, SalarySe’s laser focus on the salaried class and their strategic partnerships with banks and employers gives them an enviable edge.

The road ahead won’t be without challenges. Educating both employers and employees about this new financial ecosystem will be crucial. Additionally, managing risk and ensuring responsible lending practices will be paramount to securing long-term success.

SalarySe, however, presents a compelling proposition. With a strong team boasting extensive experience in financial services, SalarySe is poised to disrupt the industry and empower India’s salaried workforce to manage their finances effectively. Their focus on partnerships, innovative solutions, and responsible lending practices makes them a company worth watching closely.

We are thrilled to partner with Piyush Bagaria, Mohit Gorisariya, Saumeet Nanda and the entire SalarySe team!

Onwards & Upwards!



Pravega Team

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