Pravox Networks Update: Ads, Bytes, and Channel Database

Brandon Giesing
Pravox Networks
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2016


Pravox Networks is getting better for the summer with tons of cool new stuff!

What is up with this news page?

You might have noticed that it’s been a while since a news update and that this news page looks completely different! This is because I have migrated the blog to Medium to make it easier to update, better looking, and much more!

Over time, this Medium blog will replace the whole site once I add some of the other pages (and you will see a post when that happens)!

Oh No… Ads?!?

Main Pravox VARIETY Promo

Hold your horses! This is not “ads” as in we are adding shitty page ads or buying out video ads but merely ads for Pravox (not ads on Pravox). This will help promote the channel better and that means more people coming in making it better! The first few are already in rotation on the channel and the main one can also be seen to the left.


Okay titles are hard to come up with but this is referring to some optimizations I made reducing the image and overall file sizes for a faster page!

What was added this time?

The channel database is a cool feature that adds a library of videos to share easily or add a random one using the !random command in chat. This week we nearly doubled the size by adding or updating the following:

  • J & Sock Play Undertale
  • The8BitDrummer Stream Highlights
  • Memes
  • V/T/S: Voice/Text/Song
  • UNDERTALE: The Underground Radio

In addition, it’s now categorized, the titles have been made simpler (like Music Videos don’t need “Music Video” in the title), and all the video links have been made HTTPS Agnostic (which means that the videos now play as either HTTP or HTTPS depending on how you went to the site)

Overall, we are slowly upgrading and improving the platform to make it better! Check it out now at

