5 Tips for a Productive March Holiday 😎

Alicia Chow
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2018

Let me guess, your teachers have probably handed you a huge pile of homework and readings. Apart from slogging those worksheets out and finally finding time to catch Black Panther, what else should you do this week? Having been a student myself, I definitely wished I had spent more time doing productive things instead of catching up on K-drama all day.

School can get very fast paced and hectic that we hardly pause for a moment to think about what we actually achieved. While the term is still fresh in your minds, pen down the accomplishments and projects you embarked on over the past months. It’s going to make your life a lot easier after graduation when you need to write resumes and application essays. Lucky for you, we have a simple downloadable spreadsheet that makes this easy.

When we think about what we are good at, it’s easy to identify subjects that we tend to excel in. But what about other attributes that are not related to our academics? Have your friends told you that you come up with the craziest ideas, or that you have an eye for details? Everyone has their own unique set of strengths and you can start identifying them through different ways. One easy method is by doing a strengths profiling test such as this free one here.

While we are a lot more layered than what a 5-minute test can determine, it is nevertheless a good starting point to understanding ourselves better. What’s most important is taking steps to work on our unique set of strengths and make better career decisions for ourselves in the future.

Time to put away your textbooks and start taking up that guitar class you’ve always wanted to go for! There are plenty of online platforms today that offer free classes teaching a multitude of various skills from drawing, animation, photography and even to cooking. It’s never too late to pick up a new skill and the act of constantly learning new things feeds your mind with new perspectives. Try platforms like Udemy, Coursera and Skillshare.

When I was in secondary school, I used to make my own earrings and sold them on my friend’s blogshop. I turned this humble hobby into a small online business in hopes for extra pocket money. Regardless of how much I made, I learnt so much and gained a huge amount of satisfaction embarking on this side project. If you have a hobby or interest you always wanted to start, there is no better time than now. Whether it’s starting an online business or raising awareness for a social cause you are passionate about, it’s time to start putting those ideas into action.

While time is on your side now, start creating your game plan to own your next term at school. Apart from scheduling time for school work and CCA, it’s always good to set aside some time to work on something you are interested in. Be it learning a new skill, working on your passion project or simply time for your family and friends. Allocating specific blocks of time everyday helps you accomplish more outside of school.

BONUS TIP: Get a friend to do all these meaningful things with you! It’s always great to have that buddy to motivate you and do these things together. Share this with a friend you care about and want the best for. Let this be the first out of the many steps you take to lead a fulfilling and meaningful life.

While it may be too overwhelming to accomplish all 5 items on this list, take it step-by-step and start perhaps trying one item first. You’ve spent several minutes reading this article, why not spend another few minutes working on one of the items?

Download an exclusive March Holiday Playbook here to help you!

Good luck and have a great break this March! 😉🎉

