Career Pathways @ Eunoia Junior College 🎓

Alicia Chow
Published in
4 min readFeb 21, 2018

Apart from celebrating friendship and love, students from EJC spent their Valentine’s day experiencing and understanding careers in Social Entrepreneurship, Finance and Law.


Professional: Nasrul
Occupation: Social Entrepreneur

A memorable trip to India where Nasrul witnessed poverty firsthand led him to start The Project Nomad — a social enterprise that provides talented rural artisans opportunities to market their goods in wider communities.

After hearing about Nasrul’s entrepreneurship journey, we tasked students to work in groups to brainstorm their own social enterprise ideas. Our panel of ‘investors’ then grilled students with questions after they pitched their ideas in a shark-tank fashion. Students brought back with them the most important lesson — that they don’t have to wait till they get older to take action of their ideas; they can start right now.

“It was insightful, engaging and the speakers were able to provide relevant ideas and feedback to our business pitch.” — Cheyenne Low


Professional: Benjamin
Occupation: Investment Analyst

Getting Es and Ds for his economics and math just months before taking A-levels did not dishearten Benjamin to pursue his early interests in finance. Fascinated by how investments and the stock market worked, he embarked on a career as an investment analyst. Apart from being competent in analysing financial information, Benjamin also shared that his job requires him to always be on his toes with the latest news and affairs around the world.

We also gave students the opportunity to look at genuine company financial statements and cash flow information. While some found the reports too technical, others were intrigued and started asking questions about how the reports were generated and its sources of data.

“I expected the talk to be about money management but the actual content was much more relevant and interesting than I expected. There was actual statistics and real life applications I can refer to.” — Patricia Lee


Professional: Jia Hao
Occupation: Litigation Lawyer

Jia Hao began his legal profession after graduating with a Law degree in NUS. Besides sharing his everyday life as a lawyer and the skills he had picked up, students also got to role play as lawyers and judges in a moot court simulation.

With a divorce case presented to them, students were given a chance to ‘represent’ their clients (wife or husband) and argue on how much matrimonial asset each party should be awarded. Students got a firsthand experience at making references to cases and laws to justify their claims.

“The session exceeded my expectations as I experienced firsthand how a court trial works.” — Faith

It was a fruitful day spent with the students from Eunoia JC and we are glad to hear that the students found the sessions highly engaging and enlightening.

In order to craft these practical and hands-on experiences to simulate the nuances of different jobs, we dedicate time to work closely with these professionals to develop these activities. Check out our other career pathways workshops for St.Anthony Canossian Secondary School.

It’s our mission to help students explore different jobs to make informed education and career decisions for their future. If you want to empower your students to gain clarity and make informed career decisions too, drop us an email — and we will be glad to help!

