Career Pathways @ Hillgrove Secondary School πŸ€“

Alicia Chow
Published in
4 min readJun 4, 2018

Career Pathways is our creative twist on conventional lecture-style career talks where students actually get their hands dirty and experience different careers through experiential activities to truly understand the career.

Made our way to the west side of Singapore to meet the enthusiastic students from Hillgrove Secondary! They got a glimpse into the lives of professionals in healthcare, design, media, engineering, entrepreneurship, hospitality and even food & beverage.

β€œIt (the workshop) is very helpful as it helps me think about my future.”
β€” Chua Sug Wei

Healthcare πŸš‘ πŸ’‰

Professional: Jerome
Occupation: Nurse

β€œThe activities were very interesting and I was able to experience the emotional process that healthcare professionals go through when they treat patients.”
β€” Yeo Wei Xuan

β€œI learnt about the reality of working in healthcare and the hardships of nurses.” β€” Chua Sung Wei

Design πŸ–ŒπŸŽ¨

Professional: Min Li
Occupation: User Experience Designer

β€œI learnt how to interview people during the design process. We learnt how to design to cater to others’ needs.” β€” Shanice

Hospitality πŸ™‚πŸ¨

Professional: Brandon
Occupation: Hotel Manager

β€œThe role play activity helped me learn more about what it’s like to work in a hotel. The speaker was very professional and taught us how to deal with situations.” β€” Janice

β€œI was able to experience a few real life scenarios when working in hotels. We had very engaging and fun activities.” β€” Teo Shwee Teng

Entrepreneurship πŸ’‘πŸ’Ό

Professional: Haziq
Occupation: Social Entrepreneur

β€œThe activity helped us learn more about the job. The speaker gave a lot of examples and was very engaging.” β€” Rachel Lam

β€œI learnt about what an entrepreneur does and that starting businesses can be quite challenging. The activities were fun and creative.” β€” Zahirah

Food & BeverageπŸπŸ’Έ

Professional: Ervin
Occupation: F&B Operations

β€œI was happy with the lesson. It teaches me about the F&B industry and the values I should hold when working in F&B, especially the importance of patience.”
β€” Chia Whay

Media/Journalism πŸ“πŸ•΅πŸΌ

Professional: Gwyneth
Occupation: TV Journalist

β€œThe activity helped me experience what it is like to be a journalist. I learnt more about the industry through the speaker’s sharing.” β€” Ainul

Engineering πŸ”¨βš™

Professional: Lih Wei
Occupation: Electrical Engineer

β€œIt was very hands-on and I got to learn more about engineering. I also learnt about how electricity is generated, it was very educational.” β€” Claudia

It’s great to hear that the students found more clarity about the different jobs and work that they are interested in. All the best to them in finding their dream jobs and in their future pursuits!πŸ’«

@Teachers: Drop us an email if you want this meaningful session for your students as well β€” πŸ‘πŸ»

@Students and Parents: Check out our Facebook & Instagram accounts for exclusive upcoming workshops and programmes! πŸ“Έ

