Job Meets Creativity: Design ✍️

Hui Yan Ong
Published in
5 min readApr 26, 2018

Welcome to the World of Design! Today, we will be sharing with you 2 out of the many career options in the Design industry. If you like to sketch, colour, draw and design using traditional materials or computer software, why not turn your hobbies into a career?

Love adding layouts, features and colours to websites? Web Designer might just be the right job for you!

Web Designers create the look, layout and features of a website. They work in a variety of industries and often as a freelancer. Some common workplaces include software companies, IT consultancies and specialist web design companies.

A Web Designer’s job scope includes the technical and graphical aspects of the website, as well as the maintenance and update of the created site. Upon meeting with clients and assessing their needs, web designers need to:

👥 Establish the purpose of the website based on its target audience
📄 Identify the type of content the website will host
📝 Write and edit the content
📱 Design the layout of the webpage
⚙️ Determine the technical requirements

Once the website is created, the Web Designer will help with the maintenance and additions to the website. They will work with the development team and managers to keep the site updated.

Note: A Web Designer is different from a Web Developer, who specialise in making web designs a reality or writing code that dictates how different parts of a website fit together. However, there can be a crossover of both roles.

Find out more about Web Designers here!

Now, let’s take a closer look at some qualities that they should possess.

Creativity is very important in this job. The website has to be pleasing to the viewers’ eyes so that customers would stay on the site for a longer period of time. This usually leads to increased brand awareness and sales of the company, leading to a satisfied client. Hence, it is essential for web designers to create a unique layout of the website that is personalized for the client, instead of a common website layout.

Most Web Designers get ideas from their conversations with their clients while others get inspirations from other sources such as magazines, album covers or other sites that showcase a variety of web designs. Find out what inspires you to create!

Enjoy drawing fictional characters, landscapes or objects similar to games like League of Legends? Ever wished to create something and see it being used in a game? If that’s a yes to both questions, Game Artist is the career that you should look out for!

These people are the ones who are involved in the creation of the games that you see and play on your computers or smartphones, as well as card/board games. Game Artists create the visual elements of a game ranging from the characters, environment and objects to specific details like clothing and surface textures. They also create concept art and storyboards to propose various kinds of visual elements for the game.

Game Artists are separated into 2 groups namely:

👩🏼‍💻Freelancers: Employed based on a contract with the company or project

🏢In-House: Work in game companies such as Asiasoft Online Pte Ltd and Blizzard Entertainment (overseas) with other professionals.

There are various specialisations in a department where each Artist contributes different visual elements to the game. However, depending on the company’s size, the Artists’ roles may not be fixed. These jobs include:

Concept Artists use more traditional mediums (e.g. pencil and paper) to sketch ideas for the game’s content — characters, environment, etc. They will also propose colour schemes, level designs and the overall mood for the game.

3D Modellers uses computer software to build artistic elements for the game. This includes life forms, sceneries, etc. They are tasked to balance the visuals and details, and ultimately the game to life.

Taken literally, Texture Artists design and apply textures to the visual elements (i.e. surfaces of the walls, floors, objects, clothing, etc.). This role requires a profound knowledge of perspectives, visual effects and lighting.

You can read more about the job here!

Now, let’s check out some of the qualities of a Game Artist.

To be ahead of others, one needs to be creative enough to find a way to twist an idea — making it unexpected and out of the ordinary. Use whatever resources that you feel strongly about (e.g. personal experiences or objects) and add them to your work. It’s often said that one of the key factors to a game’s success is the overall look and visuals since it’s the first thing that any player would see once they log in. Having a vast imagination allows one to think out of the box and create unique, artistic elements that would definitely enhance the game’s quality.

What do you think about the 2 professions that we introduced. There are actually more jobs available in this creative industry field such as fashion design, graphic design and architecture. So, if you’re interested to find out more, you may drop us a message here!

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