Shortlisted for YSE 2016

Louis Puah
Published in
3 min readApr 23, 2017

This is a backdated post from May 2016

Louis & Xiu Min from the Praxium team attended the Young Social Entrepreneurs (YSE) 2016 Workshop, organized by the Singapore International Foundation (SIF) from 16 -19 March 2016.

We are proud to announce that out of the 48 teams, representing 18 countries, the Praxium team was shortlisted as one of the top 16 teams!

YSE is a programme where young social entrepreneurs come together to learn and improve their ability to do impactful work. As part of the programme, a number of teams would be shortlisted to gain access to more resources, such as business mentors from top consultancies and entrepreneurs, an opportunity to go on an overseas study trip, as well as an opportunity to pitch for funding to grow their impact.

During the workshop we worked with other social enterprises to analyze problems that their students face, as well as ideate on ways to tackle those problems. We got to learn tools and frameworks that helped us to formulate more sustainable business practices.

Besides just knowledge, we also gained a lot of friends! Folks from Malaysia, Thailand, India, Australia, etc. Some of the amazing people we met included women like Divya Patel from Impact Hub Singapore, and Elim Chew, serial entrepreneur.

These great friends helped us improve our ideas for Praxium and for our students, and introduced us to even more friends who could help us. Many of the friends we met at YSE were under 22 as well, and after hearing about what we do at Praxium, they wish they could have participated in our programmes. Which gives us ideas for how we can offer our programmes for post-secondary students…

After 3 days of workshopping, learning, and mingling, we prepared and delivered a complete presentation about what we do at Praxium, and what our future plans were.

The audience and judges were blown away, and were really excited to see what we would come up with next!

With renewed confidence, energy, and resources, the Praxium team will be pushing on to bring our programmes to more schools in the coming months. To impact more students, and help them lead much more fulfilling and meaningful lives!



Louis Puah
Editor for

On a mission to reinvent education and make it relevant again.