The Four Immeasurables

A Traditional Tibetan Buddhist Prayer

Arun Rajappa
Prayer & Faith Poetry
1 min readJan 9, 2019


The Four Immeasurables (tshad-med bzhi, Skt. apramana, Pali: appamanna) are:

  • Immeasurable love (byams-pa, Skt: maitri, Pali: metta),
  • Immeasurable compassion (snying-rje, Skt: karuna, Pali: karuna),
  • Immeasurable joy (dga’-ba, Skt: mudita, Pali: mudita),
  • Immeasurable equanimity (btang-snyoms, Skt: upeksha, Pali: upekkha).

May all beings have happiness

and the cause of happiness.

May they be free of suffering

and the cause of suffering.

May they never be disassociated from the supreme happiness

which is without suffering.

May they remain in the boundless equanimity,

free from both attachment to close ones

and rejection of others.

This is a space for daily prayers by sages and saints of all religions.

