The Story of Rhoda Wise, Servant of God

Ryan Bilodeau
Prayer to Pen
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2021

My wife and I just finished praying a Novena for the Beatification of the Servant of God Rhoda Wise, who looks to be on her path to Sainthood. The Novena was also prayed for the intention of my full healing & remission of my newly diagnosed ITP autoimmune condition.

Her story is a beautiful one, having been healed and visited bedside multiple times by Jesus and The Little Flower St. Therese. How cool would that be?

What brought me to tears is what St. Therese said to her:

“I am the Little Flower. You have been tried in the fire and not found wanting. Faith cures all things.”

I am guilty of taking God’s love for granted. One of my heart’s constant prayers is to be made worthy of God’s gifts. I think that dialogue speaks to the importance of “being made worthy of the promises of Christ.” I feel that my recent hospital experience was a time of purgation and suffering needed to be made more worthy of God’s beauty.

In Rhoda’s accounts of the visits you can see just how gently, wholeheartedly and beautifully Jesus and all the Saints love us. All that any of us wants is to be loved, and boy does Jesus love us unconditionally.

I wanted to pass along information about Rhoda Wise because I know her prayers and example got me through the illness I faced in the hospital, during which time my condition was declining and my outlook was bleak. Her example helped me trust in the Lord.

You can check out her story here and consider praying the Novena yourself here:



Ryan Bilodeau
Prayer to Pen

God, family, country. Teacher & author. Ardent about helping the homeless. Big fan of marketing, sports, poetry, politics & hip-hop. |