Double the impact of your gift with Matched Giving during Lent 2019

Andy Geers
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

The PrayerMate app is a ministry of the charity Discipleship Tech, as we seek to help people grow in their relationship with Jesus through technology — and over 30,000 people use the app every month, who together pray for over one million things every month. To keep the app free for end users we rely on the generosity of those who feel able to make a donation. We’re seeking to raise £50,000 in startup costs — and praise God we’ve raised over £21,000 already!

Today we are delighted to share the good news that some generous gospel patrons have offered to match all donations made during Lent (from today until 21st April 2019) up to £15,500 — so even a small donation can have double the impact.

But that’s not all!

UK Gift Aid

Absolutely anybody can donate towards Discipleship Tech, wherever in the world you live. But if you happen to be a UK tax payer then you can Gift Aid your donation, and for every £1 you donate the UK government will add another 25p. Our patrons will be matching the final amount — so every £1 you donate could become £2.50 for Discipleship Tech through Gift Aid + matched funding!

How your £1 could become £2.50 towards our ministry

Donate today via Stewardship (UK givers) or via PayPal (everybody else)!

Reaching Our Target

With the £21k we’ve raised already, if (God-willing) we raise the full £15.5k, which our patrons will then match, we’d soar past our £50k target — enabling us to go on developing PrayerMate and helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus through technology. Please pray with us to this end!

How the matched giving adds up to help us reach our target

Think your gift isn’t big enough to bother with?

With Gift Aid and matched giving:

Even if you’re from outside the UK or can’t Gift Aid for any reason:

  • £1 becomes £2 for Discipleship Tech
  • £5 becomes £10
  • £100 becomes £200
  • £600 becomes £1,200
  • Donate via PayPal today

Discipleship Tech seeks to use technology to help people grow in their relationship with Christ, and we hope that you will be as excited by this vision as we are. We pray that this matched giving scheme will encourage you that however little you are able to give, it could make a real difference to this ministry and help us as we help others to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ. Donate today!

How we will be using the funds

The £50,000 we are raising are to cover the startup costs of our new charity Discipleship Tech. We believe that over the next 18 months, God-willing we can grow PrayerMate’s regular income to cover the costs of our small team — but until that time we need this giving to bridge the gap. We hope and pray that Discipleship Tech will provide the necessary structure to help grow PrayerMate but also enable us to build other apps/tools to support Christian discipleship.

Already your gifts are helping support our second developer, Ed — here’s a “Behinds the Scenes” glimpse in to the kinds of things he’s up to:

PrayerMate’s Impact

PrayerMate has been downloaded over 330,000 times in over 100 countries. Every month it helps over 30,000 people be consistent in prayer, and together they pray for over a million things each month. It has won the Premier Digital “People’s Choice” award and was runner up for Christian App of the Year 2017. Download it today at



Andy Geers

Andy is a husband and father of 3, and the developer of the award-winning PrayerMate app. He is based in London and a part of Euston Church.