A Week in the Intern Life: Puppies, Beers, and Teamwork

Praytell Agency
Published in
3 min readMay 20, 2019

Hello! I’m Christine, a PR intern at Praytell Agency. I’m basically an influencer so I know that you’re all interested in a week in my life! Let’s jump in because I’m on the clock, and it is busy busy at Praytell.

Let’s dive in with this cleverly edited list of things I do every day and things I did maybe once but I’m trying to impress the reader so I added them to the list anyway.

  1. When I get to work I see all of the Praytell sunshine faces that make my morning wonderful. On Mondays, the office grocery order is unpacked and ready for me to dive into. We’re talking cookies, oat milk, raspberries, and avocados. All the necessities.
  2. Email time. If you work in an agency you know the importance of fast communication, so I make sure to open up my inbox and start prioritizing responses. Also Slack time. Slack is our office DM — basically AOL messenger, except theoretically more professional. Gotta catch up on the hot goss in the office and in the world. Thank goodness for Praytell memes on a Monday.
  3. It’s time for Kickstart! Every other week there is an all-office video meeting (with all six offices tuning in at once). There’s laughing, crying, and screaming: the trifecta. It is always a blast.
  4. One of my daily tasks is responding to and vetting incoming influencer requests. I get to scroll through their Instagram, check out their stats on the software Julius, and make a recommendation to the client!
  5. As an intern I am the go-to mailer queen of the office. Every week I have mailers going out; which means strategizing over who we send mailers to, picking out products that fit their lifestyle, and packaging it up so it is photo-ready. All of this happens in the Murder Room. (Murder Room [proper noun]: our windowless back storage room. No one has been murdered there. That we know of.)
  6. Other than watching coworkers do a Four Loko taste test, do you know what I’d never done before Praytell? Pitch real media! Now I’m building media lists, sending out pitches, organizing pitch packages — the world is my oyster.
  7. Thank god for cold brew. That mid-day slump hits hard, especially when it isn’t an Ariana Grande album drop day. (That day was all high energy, all the time — and the office speaker system was a proud participant.)
  8. Throughout the week and month, there are meetings, events, brainstorms, and dance parties to which I get to contribute. And then there are the extra one-off cool things you get to do as an intern, like…
  • Handing out burrito bowls at Moe’s Southwest Grill for a promo event (and yes I got to keep the t-shirt).
  • Singing Old Town Road with everyone else and then pretending none of us did.
  • Taste testing new booze and crafting our own cocktails.
  • Delivering a Carvel “Fudgie the Whale” cake to Stephen Colbert.
  • Buying a sweater that might have legitimately been worn by Drew Barrymore — right in our own office building.

9. How we spice up a typical week:

  • Is it Friday? Let’s put on Legally Blonde or maybe Balto!
  • Is it sunny out? Drinks in Berg’n while we finish up for the day: YES PLZ.
  • Is it the middle of the day and a client had lunch here? GIRL THERE ARE LEFTOVERS. (Pro tip: if you want to feel good about yourself, don’t look at any social content posted from the kitchen after free lunch is announced.)
  • Are there puppies in the office today? Play with them. You deserve it.

10. Praytell doesn’t need an excuse to have fun. That said, here are a few excuses we use:

  • Happy hours
  • Holiday parties
  • PR award after-parties
  • Client wins
  • New kids on the block (new hires)

That’s it! I work work work and I party party party and most of all I contribute to an incredible team of highly motivated, insanely creative, and passionately smart Praytellians. My number one takeaway from this internship is learning how to always be doing more and always be caring more. Thank you Praytell!

[If you’re interested in becoming an intern at Praytell, check on our career board! See you there!]

