A Guide for Socially Distanced Corporate Video Comms

Praytell Agency
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2020

For clients in need of communicating with employees and/or the public virtually right now, we’ve created a resource to help navigate different distribution and production considerations.

Depending on what you’re hoping to achieve, there are many different platforms to consider (Zoom, Webex, Instagram Live and more). Below, we break down the advantages and disadvantages of the ones we consider most viable, provide some guiding information around why you might want to consider video comms during the time of social distancing, tips on how to execute and amplify, and a few links of inspiration.

Questions about video communications? Visit the Praytell website or email Praytell Films at films@praytellagency.com for more insights and counsel.

Read More: So, You’re Working From Home… Here’s How to Do It

