Photo Credit: KEvin Wang

8 Week Global Health Crash Course

A must-have experience regardless if you’re planning on practicing medicine in the US or not.

Kevin Wang
Premeditated Health
2 min readAug 17, 2013


The Copenhagen School of Global Health is offering an 8 week introductory taster course in Global Health starting 2nd September for free. The course requires an internet connection and for you to dedicate 4-6 hours per week for 8 weeks. You receive a certificate if you complete the program. It’s a great way to get a taste for international health and some of the biggest issues our medical generation face.


Week 1: Global health, history and governance

Week 2: Epidemiological transition and global disease burden

Week 3: Transition in infectious diseases

Week 4: Transition in non-communicable diseases and double burden

Week 5: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Week 6: Environment and human health

Week 7: Health systems, services and financing in transition

Week 8: Health in emergencies, among refugees and migrants

The course takes its starting point in the believe that good health is intimately linked with personal happiness, productivity, the economic and social development of nations and the advancement of people.

Globalization processes influence the health of individuals, societies and the function of health systems in many ways and may present opportunities but may also pose a risk to vulnerable societies. Throughout this course presentations will transcend the perspectives of individual countries and will critically discuss how global mega-trends and different sectors of society influence the health of population. Transition in health and the drivers of such transition will be core elements of this course.

During the eight course weeks we will explore a range of themes, including: communicable and non-communicable diseases, environmental health, child health, reproductive health and rights, and health among refugees and displaced populations. We focus on the dual burden of communicable and non-communicable disease experienced by much of the world’s population today.

As the deadline for meeting the Millennium Development Goals (MDG’s) nears, course participants will also reflect on the post-MDG agenda by exploring the future of global health and trends in technical innovation, global strategies and programs in the fight for better health. Through lectures, readings, and assignments, course participants will be asked to think critically about the health of the world’s population and to reflect on overcoming the challenges of achieving good health around the world.



Kevin Wang
Premeditated Health

Pre-med. Health Policy Wonk. Caffeine Nerd. @realkevinwang