
Welcome to our blog.

On this platform, our aim is to develop, modern-day fresh perspectives on pre-modern Arabic literature. We want to approach this literature in a way that’s interesting to you so our focus is on building a community of curious learners.

We’ll be publishing short and sweet posts that give you a window into poetry and prose from pre-modern Arabic literature. Our biggest priority is that this window is something you actually want to look through — how is this literature relevant to you? How does it make you feel? How does it relate to the literature you read nowadays? Or the music you listen to? And how does this literature compare to literature from other cultures that you may belong to?

Our posts are just the first step. We want you to engage in the comments section to share your own thoughts about why this literature matters to do. We hope that this becomes a place where you can come and discuss with other students learning about pre-modern Arabic literature.

