90% Success Rate in Pre-PG Selection Guarantee Plan

Noopur Joshi
Published in
3 min readJun 11, 2022
NEET PG 2022

Pre-PG is extremely proud to announce that 90% of the students enrolled in our Selection Guarantee 2022 Plan have successfully cleared the NEET PG exam this year. The credit goes to our SG (Selection Guarantee) users who sincerely followed our weekly guidance and recommendation and used the Pre-PG app as it was intended to be.

A Brief Background on Selection Guarantee Plan

Last year, we announced our intention to start a Selection Guarantee(SG) Plan for the NEET PG exam.

Over the years, students have been trusting Pre-PG as their guide and mentor for the NEET PG journey. Apart from providing them with the benefits of studying from home, our app’s easy usability and advanced features have won many hearts.

Since 97% of NEET PG 2021 Questions were from Pre-PG, we were emboldened by the fact that we were on the path to creating a winning strategy. The Selection Guarantee methodology not only focuses on rigorous practice and revision but also guides you continuously to eliminate your weaknesses. Students who adopted the winning method acquitted themselves well in the NEET PG exam.

The highest strike rate of 97% made us confident of our successful methodology. And that’s why we decided to officially launch Selection Guarantee 2022 Plan where we defined “success” as the ability to get a clinical branch in Government College.

Our best estimate was to help you get in the top 15,000 ranks in NEET PG to get to this goal. In addition, the plan claimed that if anyone who followed our recommended methodology to the word and couldn’t achieve success in NEET PG, they would get a full refund.

We were so confident in our methodology, that we did not conduct any test for students to be able to join SG program. The only requirement was that our users follow our guidance on what to focus and how much to practice 90% of the weeks (that’s it). Therefore, our intensive SG batch was suited to all aspirants preparing for the NEET PG exam. Most of the students who enrolled with our selection guarantee plan were those who started at the bottom of the pack and by the year-end, reached the top of the pack.

However, we believe that our contribution and work amounted to less than 20%, but it was the crucial extra boost that we provided, which enabled the SG batch to excel. Each week we would review the progress of SG students, give them guidance on what can be improved, and point out their blind spots in their preparation. We also held them accountable to practice according to the plan. Weekly personal guidance is the most important aspect that is missing in preparation and that’s exactly what the SG program delivers.

Pre-PG’s SG Plan also unlocks thousands of NEET PG-modelled questions, insights to detect your weakness, flashcards to retain basics, and much more. Of course, some users work hard, giving their all to the platform. Therefore, the real credit goes to NEET PG students for working diligently, practicing, and revising all the questions sincerely.

We Will Not Stop Until We Achieve 100% Success Rate

We know that this success rate is better than any other coaching or app. But in a cut-throat competitive world, where every mark counts and every rank matters, we want each of our users, who enrolled in the Selection Guarantee(SG) Plan, to achieve success.

Even though some users work hard, few others cannot maintain momentum. But we are certain that by practicing and studying as per Pre-PG methodology, they will be successful in getting into their dream college.

We are happy that each successful aspirant called or messaged us to express their happiness on seeing their wonderful results. But we are also sad for other users who didn’t follow our recommended methodology and could not clear this time.

We want to let you know that we are not stopping, and neither should you. Pre-PG will strive to work hard until every SG Plan user clears NEET PG and get a clinical seat in a government college.

We are evolving, growing, and progressing each day.

And, we will not stop till we get a success rate of 100%.

Originally published at https://blogs.mcqdb.com on June 11, 2022.

