Designing Soldiers

Character Design 05

David Lloyd
The Designs 


The soldiers in my animatic end up fighting the wolf henchman. I wanted the masks to be slightly different, kind of like the Anbu masks in ‘Naruto’. Since the kingdom has drawn a big influence on egypt I thought that looking into one of the Gods would be interesting for a mask design. I ended up choosing ‘Maahes’ a lion headed God of war. So I started working that into the designs.

Soldier Concepts

As you can see in the bottom four sketches the influence is pretty clear. I also became influenced by Hayao Miyazaki’s ‘Princess Mononoke’

Princess Mononoke

In particularly all the fur that comes off the mask, I thought that would work great to add to the lion theme and portray it as a mane.

Costume Thumbnails

Here I’ve started messing around with costume designs since I had a good idea what the masks would look like.

More thumbnails

Still exploring with the designs. The bottom left one is the one being further developed and being made into an orthographic

