Designing the Wolf

Character Design 04

David Lloyd
2 min readDec 8, 2013

The next character to design was the Princes’ one of the princes henchman, a humanoid wolf. For the project I decided to drop the notion of designing the other henchmen because the project is big enough as it is. Ive also got another module to think about, as well as a report to write.

Original Iterations

These were some iterations I did at the end of a day. Just trying to get a feel on the character as I haven’t drawn a wolf before let alone a humanoid one.

Further Iterations

I carried on with these the next day. Only a couple of these I actually liked, the rest I knew straight away that they weren’t going to work.

Finalising the design

Heres where I felt happy with the design. I think I will have to look into wolf anatomy some more as the front view of the wolf feels a little flat and doesnt look like theres a skeleton inside of him. But I’ll just practice drawing him some more and I’m sure it’ll work out.

Full body Thumbnails

I had drawn these first two thumbnails while not being sure how to draw out the wolf standing up. I later came across a 3d sculpted image that a werewolf standing, so I referenced that for the 3rd image. Heres more henched over and his head is down, which looks 10x better. I gave him a long tail curly tail as well.


This was just a drawing of the character in a cloak because I intend for the antagonists in the story to arrive in the kingdom wearing hoods and cloaks.

